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首页 > 供应产品 > 普鲁兰多糖
浏览: 844
品牌: 梅花
产品规格: 20目、40目、80目 100~180mm2/s
单价: 100.00元/kg
最小起订量: 10 kg
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 3 天内发货
有效期至: 长期有效
最后更新: 2021-05-26 03:56
 梅花品质 ■ 共享MEIHUA QUALITYSHARINGFORTHE WORLDwww.meihuagrp.com Tel : +86-316-2359999 Fax : +86-316-2359680A产品质量:达到标准指标 QB规格 20目、40目、80目感官 白色的粉末粘度(10%溶液,30℃)/(mm2/s) 50~99、100~140、141~180含量, % ≥90单糖、二糖和寡糖(以葡萄糖计),% ≤10干燥失重 ,% ≤6灼烧残渣,% ≤0.5总氮 ≤0.05PH(10%溶液) 5.0~7.0菌落总数/(CFU/g) ≤300霉菌/(CFU/g) ≤10微生物 酵母菌/(CFU/g) ≤10大肠菌群,25g样品 未检出沙门氏菌,25g样品 未检出重金属类砷 ≤1ppm铅 ≤2ppm普鲁兰多糖医药原料&食品添加剂规格:10kg/箱 、20 kg/箱普鲁兰多糖(Pullulan)是一种天然水溶性多糖,由出芽短梗霉发酵产生。其分子由麦芽三糖通过α- 1,6-糖苷键结合形成,平均分子量为2×105 Da。普鲁兰多糖可以加工成多种产品,它具有良好的成膜性能,形成的普鲁兰膜很稳定,且具有的氧气隔绝性能,在医药和食品工业广泛用于胶囊成型剂、增稠剂、粘合剂、食品包装等。普鲁兰多糖作为食品辅料在日本已有20多年的应用历史,已通过了美国的GRAS认证。性能无毒、安全、耐热 、耐盐、耐酸碱、粘度热稳定性好、可塑性强、可成膜且隔气性佳透湿性强。还具有附着性、粘附性、分解性,可改善物性保持水分、成形性、纺纱性等。应用普鲁兰多糖在自然界可被微生物降解利用,不会引起环境污染,故被誉为塑料,在化妆品、医药、食品、化工、环保、农药等领域具有广泛的用途。在食品工业常用作保鲜剂、成型剂、品质改良剂、乳化剂、增稠剂等。在医药行业可用于制造胶囊,锭剂、非结晶性药物、剂、血浆增量剂、X射线透视造影剂;类毒素和疫苗保护剂;创口缝合线;人工脏器和抗凝血性医疗材料等。普鲁兰胶囊与其它胶囊相比,具有非常明显的优点:①普鲁兰胶囊的氧透过率大约为明胶胶囊的1/8,为HPMC胶囊的1/300,可有效保护内容物免于氧化,延长储藏期;②透明度与动物性胶囊相当,充填内容物清楚可见;③不含动物性蛋白及脂肪,不易滋生微生物,质量稳定;④不含动物性成份,无疯牛症、口蹄疫等人畜共通传染病的隐忧;⑤天然植物性原料制成,无宗教及素食方面之限制。在化妆品行业可用于制造香粉、香波、化妆水、面膜、皮肤保护剂、头发定型剂等。安全性动物实验表明,普鲁兰多糖不会引起任何生物学毒性和异常状态,可以安全地用于食品及药品。在日本与淀粉一起被归类为无使用限制的添加剂。www.meihuagrp.com Tel : +86-316-2359999 Fax : +86-316-2359680 Meihua Quality; Sharing for the WorldMEIHUA QUALITYSHARINGFORTHE WORLD BProduct Specification(QB)Specification 20 、40 、80meshAppearance White powderViscosity (10% w/w aqueous solution at 30°) 50-99;100-140;141-180 mm2/sAssay ≥ 90%Mono-, di- and oligosaccharides ≤ 10% (expressed as glucose)Loss on drying ≤ 6%Total nitrogen ≤ 0.05%Ignited residue ≤ 0.5%PH 5.0 - 7.0 (10% solution)Total Plate Count ≤ 300CFU/gColiforms: Negative in 25 gMicrobiological criteria Salmonella: Negative in 25 gMolds ≤ 10CFU/gYeasts ≤ 10CFU/gHeavy metalLead ≤ 1ppmArsenic ≤ 2ppmPullulan is natural water-soluble polysaccharide, fermented by Auveobasidium Pullulans. It consists mainly of maltotriose units linked through α-1, 6 - glucosidicbonds. The average molecular weight is 2×105 Da. Pullulan can be developed into various products. It is an excellent filmformer, producing a film which is heatsealable with good oxygen barrier properties. It can be used widely in both the pharmaceutical and food industries, such as encapsulating agents, adhesives,thickening, and extending agent. Pullulan has been used as a food ingredient for over 20 years in Japan. It has Generally Regarded As Safe .PropertiesPullulan is non-toxic, non-mutagenic, odorless, tasteless, and edible. Dry pullulan powders are white and non-hygroscopic and dissolve readily in hot or coldwater. Pullulan solutions are of relatively low viscosity. The viscosity of pullulan solutions is stable to heating, changes in pH, and most metal ions, includingsodium chloride.ApplicationsPullulan can be used as either an innovative or decorative film or used in granule form for:Tabletting: Pullulan is an excellent tabletting excipient.Pan coating: Pullulan with its excellent adhesive properties and extremely low viscosity is ideally suited for pan-coating chewing gum,chocolate and candies.Agglomeration: Pullulan has about double the adhesive strength of food starch. This property combined with its lack of flavor enables it to be used effectively intypical agglomeration processes.Sauces and dressings: Due to its ‘adhesive properties’ use of granular pullulan in sauces improves their ‘on product’ retention without unduly increasing sauceviscosity.Innovative soft candy: Incorporation of 2-3% Pullulan, enables innovative soft chewy candies to be made by a cold extrusion process without resorting toconventional boiling. This enables heart sensitive materials to be used in these products.Coatings: Pullulan solutions which are odorless and flavorless can be used as a coating for a wide range of food products to improve appearance, reduceblemishes and increase shelf life.Capsules: Pullulan can be formed into capsules for use with pharmaceutical and nutraceutical products. Its non-animal origin ensures there are no safely concernswith consumers and it is suitability for all consumers groups.Packing: 10 kg / box 、20 kg / boxPullulan APIs & Food Additives